In addition, by getting no-medical exam life insurance, you miss an opportunity to get that medical exam you may have been meaning to schedule. However, life insurance policies that ask you questions and verify your information online can be competitive with policies that require an exam. If you’re in excellent health, by not getting an exam, you may lose out on the chance to save on your life insurance premiums or to qualify for higher amounts of coverage. What do I lose by getting life insurance without a medical exam? With some no-exam life insurance, you’re not even required to do that. You answer some questions about your health and activities, and allow them to access information about you online. The difference with no-exam life insurance is that you skip the exam.

It’s generally a fairly simple exam by a medical professional that includes taking your blood pressure and weight, listening to your heart and lungs, submitting samples for lab work, and taking other measures of your general health. Typical life insurance issuers require you to take a medical exam before they issue a life insurance policy. How does this differ from standard life insurance? In some cases you can still be turned down. You may still be asked questions about your health and activities, and the insurer may gather information about you online. No-medical exam policies are for life insurance you can buy without submitting to a medical exam. One of these types of policies may offer the life insurance protection you need. The good news is that some life insurance policies don’t require a medical exam during the underwriting process.

You may also be reluctant to apply for life insurance if you have health issues, assuming you won’t be offered a policy anyway, when the life insurance company knows your medical history. Scheduling an exam and taking off work can take too much time. The requirement by some insurers that you have a medical exam before you are approved can be just one more obstacle in the way. It’s easy to put off buying life insurance, even when you know how important it is.